mardi 28 août 2007


MainActor Petition: First week update

A week has passed since I started an online petition to ask MainConcept to release MainActor video editing software as open source. The petition has collected 400 signatures in its first week.

By googling, I also found some blogs linking back to the petition. I'm pretty sure those blogs are in part responsible for the continuous flow of new signatories, day after day. Thanks to all bloggers out there for your help!

Also, I found 2 particularly interesting commentaries on the petition. The first one (from signatory #276):

"I'd likely volunteer as a maintainer and coorindate merging and integration with MLT and kdenlive." - Dan Dennedy

According to LottaLinuxLinks forum, Dan is a volunteer from the Kino video editing software project. So, we have already an experienced volunteer to maintain MainActor! That's great news, isn't it?

The second commentary (from signatory #312) is more intriguing:

"I've heard the code's been sold back to some Russian company; if anyone can link me to them, maybe there will still be some mutual interest in open-sourcing MainActor." - Michael Shigorin

Michael is a volunteer working for the Russian distro AltLinux. I already sent him an email asking to elaborate on this comment but I didn't receive any response at this moment. If a Russian company buys MainActor, I hope the Linux version will still be maintained, even if that company doesn't open source the code. If not, it will be the time to start a MainActor cloning project... I already have a name in mind for that project: "Montage".

jeudi 23 août 2007


MainActor Petition has already 244 signatures

The petition is less than a week old and was already signed by 244 people. It is the proof that MainActor is not meant to die. The community will do what it takes to free MainActor and made it a successful Open Source project.

Thanks everyone!

mercredi 22 août 2007


MainActor page dispeared from MainConcept website

I was surprised this morning when I got back to MainConcept web site looking for the CEO comments about the abandon of MainActor... The company website was updated and there is no more link to MainActor software on the consumer products page!

May be too many emails or/and traffic to that page?

Anyway, keep signing the petition. Encourage your friends to sign too. I will contact MainConcept shortly. I will keep you posted.

mardi 21 août 2007


Google: MainActor petition in top ten results for "MainActor" search

Wow! I'm amazed by the Open Source community response to the petition to open source MainActor video editor. Already close to 200 signatures!

Also, the petition shows in the top ten results for the query "MainActor" in Google.

Thanks everyone! Your comments are great.

I will keep you informed of any developments. I'm planning to launch a foundation to buy MainActor source code... or finance existing non-linear video editor efforts in the eventuality MainConcept don't let go their source code. Stay tune...

Libellés : , ,


MainActor Petition: already has more than 100 signatures after 2 days!

Voir la version française de cet article ci-dessous

I want to thank all those which already signed the petition ( to release the source code of MainActor. The petition has already more than one hundred signatures in only 2 days! It seems that we are several to believe that this quality software should not disappear.

Convince other people to sign the petition: keep speaking of it on discussion forums, LUGs, IRC, etc. With one voice let us say to MainConcept: "MainActor cannot disappear, it must become Open Source!"

Thank you to all signatories!

Je tiens à remercier tous ceux qui ont déjà signé la pétition ( pour libérer le code source de MainActor. La pétition a déjà amasser plus d'une centaine de signatures en seulement 2 jours! Il semble que nous soyons plusieurs à croire que ce logiciel de qualité ne doit pas disparaître.

Il faut convaincre d'autres gens de signer la pétition: continuez d'en parler sur les forums de discussion, dans les LUGs, sur IRC, etc. D'une seule voix disons à MainConcept: "MainActor ne peut disparaître, il doit devenir Open Source!"

Merci à tous les signataires!

Libellés : , , ,

dimanche 19 août 2007


Pétition pour libérer le code source de MainActor

MainConcept a annoncée qu'elle discontinuait le développement et le support de l'application MainActor.

C'est désolant car, selon moi, c'est l'un des logiciels d'édition non-linéaire les plus aboutis pour Linux.

Afin de demander à l'éditeur de libérer le code source de MainActor, j'ai débuté une pétition que je vous invite à signer. Lorsque j'aurai amasser suffisamment de signatures, je la ferai parvenir au président de MainConcept.

Merci de votre aide!

Pétition pour libérer le code source de MainActor