mercredi 26 septembre 2007


MainActor Petition: Fifth week update

Good news! More people signed the petition this week: 82 new signatures. This is nearly 50 more signatures or an increase of 34% comparatively with last week. We're closer and closer to the target of 1000 signatures.

Last week-end, I started to write the letter I will send along with the petition to MainConcept's CEO. When done, I will publish it on this blog for comments.

Have a nice week.

jeudi 20 septembre 2007


MainActor Petition: Fourth week update

Well, one month has passed. We are closer to my objective of 1000 signatures for the petition but no there yet. We have to find new ways to publicize the petition. If you have some ideas, feel free to leave a comment. I will read it with attention.

As promised, last week, here is an update of the graphic:

As you can see, the new signature rate as slowed again this week. We definitively have to make some noise this week to get new signatories attention.

Thanks in advance for your ideas!

mercredi 12 septembre 2007


MainActor Petition: Third week update

Third week passed. The petition has already been signed by 600 people thinking that MainActor should be released as Open Source software. That's really good.

I have plot a graph showing the progress of the petition. I will post-it on my blog each week.

Here is the graph for Week #3.

As you can see, the rate has slowed a bit since the start. We have to continue to speak about it everywhere and encourage new signatory to sign it.

Thanks all!

lundi 3 septembre 2007


MainActor Petition: second week update

The petition to release MainActor as Open Source software has collected a total of 549 signatures (at this moment). That represents 149 new signatures this week only. This is less than during the first week (400 signatures) but I am nevertheless very satisfied.

My target is to reach 1000 signatures and then I will print the petition and send it to MainConcept's CEO. Can we do it in one month (September 19th 2007)? Yes we can! Am I an optimistic? Yes, I am! :)

Keep blogging about that petition, keep posting on forums!

Thanks to everyone!

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